Photographs in Dentistry

Cheng Dental

The use of photography for case documentation, presentation, and patient education has increased in recent years.  Photography has become an integral aspect of modern dentistry by being a valuable tool used to aid in the diagnosis and treatment plan, to document cases, as well as to confer with other specialists when a multi-disciplinary treatment approach is required.

Photographs in Dentistry

Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning

Before beginning certain treatment, using photos of your teeth, gum tissue, and/or any other areas of the mouth, Dr. Cheng will assess your current level of oral health and present the best treatment option(s).

Case Documentation

Using photographs taken before, during, and after a treatment procedure, Dr. Cheng can document any changes and improvements resulting from a treatment. For example, photos can be taken prior to and after orthodontic treatment or restorative treatment.

Proper Communication

In certain cases, photos are an invaluable tool in streamlining communicating with our dental lab. A picture, after all, is worth a thousand words. Photos provide information regarding the color and shape of teeth which allow us to improve the final esthetic result.


Photography is an informative tool that can be used not only for treatment planning and diagnosis, but also for self-evaluation and education. With photographs, it becomes easier for Dr. Cheng to discuss the exam findings with with you regarding your oral health and dental needs.

Specialist Consultation

When necessary, photographs can be used to communicate with other specialists in situations that require a multi-disciplinary approach.


21 Towne Centre Way,
Hampton, VA 23666

Office Hours

MON - THU9:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed